Saturday, January 5, 2013

Episode 1 - FTB 101 bersama Alan

And so, our FTB journey starts with Panda explaining a little bit about the series and Alan, explaining some basic tools in FTB. This episode was supposed to be an hour long but then it had been re-edited 'cause afraid if viewers might get bored of watching it. Then decided to make it a two-part episodes. But the idea got canceled after this episode was aired. The few bits from the second part was put as a snippet at the end of this episode.

Scenes that were cut out from this episode:
Everyone build their houses.
► Danial was attacked by a couple of Slimes undergound. 
► Alan explaining about the pipes and engines underneath his house.
► Suddle, Panda and Alan gather some marble blocks for their houses.

Players in this episode:
suddlemaniac (not in the video)
danialaizat (not in the video)

Player on the video thumbnail:

The Episode:

Thumbnails from the episode:

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