Thursday, January 24, 2013

Episode 6 - The Art of the Linking Book

On the sixth episode, it starts with Panda asking Danial to jump off his ridiculously tall tower. Danial made the jump and landed into a small pond. Then, Alan showed Panda a travelling book (Linking Book) that he made. He insist on making one for Panda and show him how to make it. Now everyone have their own Linking Books. Panda decided to test the book and invited Nadim & Alan to join. Instead of travelling far and teleport back using the book, Panda decided to make it a little extreme by jumping off Danial's tower and before hitting the ground click the book to teleport back to safety. 

Scenes that were cut out from this episode:
► Danial's failed attempts of landing into the pond.
► Alan made a Linking Book for Nadim.
► Acid made a small pig racing arena.

Players in this episode:



Player on the video thumbnail:


Thumbnails from the episode:

The Episode:

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