Saturday, February 2, 2013

Episode 7 - The Twilight Forest (Bhg 1)

The Twilight Forest was the new major update in FTB. Because of this event, 2 episode were unpublished. The episode starts with Panda, Hanif, Alan, Inuyashuk, Nadim & Lemon traveled into the Twilight Forest using a portal. After a few minutes of travelling through the gloomy jungle, they found a huge creepy looking castle. They entered the castle and find themselves been surrounded by various mobs. As they make it to the top of the castle, a boss was spawned. The Twilight Lich. It appears as a tall humanoid skeleton wearing a purple cape, and a large golden crown. The situation got chaos as 2 of them died while battling the Lich. But one of them did kill the Lich and manage to obtained a scepter for the Lich.

Scenes that were cut out from this episode:
Panda looting the chests in the castle.

Players in this episode:



Player on the video thumbnail:


Thumbnails from the episode:

The Episode:

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